Ornamental architecture

Na­ture is the grea­test ar­chi­tect and an in­ex­haus­ti­ble source of in­spi­ra­tion, but man-made works in­spire some of our je­welry de­sign. We em­brace life with our eyes wide open in or­der to be in­spi­red in many ways. Con­tem­po­rary and clas­sic ele­ments are united in our pie­ces of je­welry. Stun­ning ar­rays of light are crea­ted by com­bi­ning ar­chi­tec­tu­rally in­spi­red set­tings, co­lorful gems and diamonds.

Jewelry materials

There is a great va­riety of ma­te­ri­als from which je­welry is made. We are open-min­ded in the sel­ec­tion of ma­te­ri­als and use dif­fe­rent me­tals and al­loys as well as pre­cious stones, wood, horn and much more. We at­tach great im­portance to the careful sel­ec­tion of pre­cious and dura­ble ma­te­ri­als. We do not only pay at­ten­tion to qua­lity and cha­risma, but su­s­taina­bi­lity is also an im­portant fo­cus and cri­te­ria of ours.



The tour­ma­line is available in al­most any color.
It is the so-cal­led „Bird of Pa­ra­dise“ of the pre­cious stones.
Its shape al­lows to wear mul­ti­ple rings.
We com­bine the vi­brantly co­lo­red tour­ma­li­nes with matching pre­cious me­tals such as pla­ti­num, white gold, yel­low gold, rose gold or red gold.
The tour­ma­li­nes are sel­ec­ted by our part­ner in Bra­zil, cut, and di­rectly im­por­ted to us wi­t­hout a middleman.
You‘re wel­come to stop by to mar­vel at our rings and try them on in our shop at Neumarkt.