
Statement jewelry

State­ment je­welry is for those who want to make an im­pres­sion. It’s je­welry with its own cha­rac­ter, com­po­sed of mi­ne­rals, spar­k­ling stones and pre­cious me­tals: rings, brace­lets, pen­dants, ear­rings or broo­ches, wha­te­ver your he­art de­si­res. We work to com­bine dif­fe­rent co­lors and shapes to em­pha­size your per­so­na­lity wi­t­hout ta­king away from their ef­fect as accessories.

Men’s jewelry

Are you loo­king for high-qua­lity men’s je­welry off the bea­ten track? Do you have an in­di­vi­dual idea? Come by and talk to us. We of­ten de­ve­lop ideas tog­e­ther with our cu­s­to­mers and im­ple­ment them ac­cor­ding to their wis­hes. We are happy to hear about your in­spi­ra­tion and fur­ther de­ve­lop your idea.