Symbolism of the diamond

The dia­mond was crea­ted in the depth of the earth, un­der heat and pres­sure, and car­ried up to the earth’s sur­face by vol­ca­noes. Due to its den­sity and du­ra­bi­lity the dia­mond is a sym­bol of love and eter­nity. Co­lor, cla­rity, ca­rat weight and cut de­ter­mine the va­lue. The dia­mond holds the grea­test va­lue wi­thin the smal­lest vo­lume. Subtle di­stinc­tions mean great dif­fe­ren­ces in va­lue. That is why buy­ing a dia­mond is a mat­ter of trust. We are happy to ad­vise you free of charge and look for stones at the best price-per­for­mance ra­tio for you.

Setting diamonds

Per­fectly cut and ex­pertly set and then lo­vin­gly worn, the dia­mond can un­fold its ma­gic and show an op­ti­mum of bril­li­ance. Thanks to our many ye­ars of ex­pe­ri­ence, it is pos­si­ble for us to carry out the vi­sion of your piece of je­welry in our work­shop, from the de­sign to the pro­duc­tion to the set­ting of the dia­mond. Just as small dif­fe­ren­ces have a big ef­fect with dia­monds, the love of de­tail and skill are also de­cisive in the set­ting. It is our ut­most wish to enable you to wear your dia­mond with joy for a life­time and your in­vest­ment will be worthwhile.