


Wel­come to Pa­trick Stal­der Schmuck | golds­mith and gem­s­tone set­ter | Zu­rich — Neumarkt

We look for­ward to pre­sen­ting you our of­fer and to ad­vise you.


Festival of Lights 2023

By |No­vem­ber 21st, 2023|Ca­te­go­ries: Un­ca­te­go­ri­zed|Tags: , |

Dear va­lued cu­s­to­mers, It’s that time again! On Thurs­day, No­vem­ber 23, 2023, we warmly in­vite you to our Fe­sti­val of Lights. Start­ing at 5:00 PM, the area will be il­lu­mi­na­ted with fe­stive Christ­mas lights, ac­com­pa­nied by the en­chan­ting aca­pella sin­ging of the Men’s Choir Rüti Zü­rich. Im­merse […]

Our cu­s­to­mers

Are you loo­king for je­welry that will ac­com­pany you all your life and give you plea­sure every day? Then you have come to the right place. Je­welry is small, but it pro­vi­des great joy if it has been pro­du­ced with care and at­ten­tion to de­tail. Our cu­s­to­mers app­re­ciate our ex­pe­ri­ence and our ability in deal­ing with their va­luable pie­ces of jewelry.

The craft

We of­fer a free, com­pre­hen­sive con­sul­ta­tion and ma­nu­fac­ture all je­welry pie­ces in our own work­shop. We can rely on many ye­ars of ex­pe­ri­ence and the know­ledge of old Swiss craft­sman­ship which we com­bine with the la­test tech­ni­ques and tools such as mi­cro­sco­pes and la­sers to create an ex­qui­site piece. We have ma­ste­red the art of golds­mit­hing and je­welry ma­king. These skills enable us to in­di­vi­du­ally cons­truct a tailor-made set­ting for each gem­s­tone. We gua­ran­tee that your je­welry will last a life­time and your in­vest­ment will be worthwhile.


We carefully sel­ect the pre­cious stones for you from a wide range. We pay at­ten­tion to ori­gin, qua­lity, uni­que­ness, cut, co­lor and ra­di­ance. If re­qui­red the stones may be al­te­red by our Swiss gem cut­ter ac­cor­ding to your wishes.


Su­s­taina­bi­lity has al­ways been very im­portant to us. We have been using re­cy­cled gold for ye­ars, and we re­pair our cu­s­to­mers’ heir­looms or in­te­grate them into new pie­ces of je­welry. On re­quest we use Fair­trade gold for an ex­tra charge to make your je­welry. We look for­ward to pre­sen­ting our beau­tiful je­welry and hel­ping you find the per­fect piece.

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