born 1973 Vitznau/Luzern

In 1990, I be­gan a four-year golds­mith app­ren­ti­ce­ship at Gübelin Ate­liers AG in Lu­zern. I was taught the tech­ni­ques of clas­sic je­welry ma­king but also had a chance to de­ve­lop my own designs.

Af­ter com­ple­ting the app­ren­ti­ce­ship, I at­ten­ded an­o­ther th­ree-year trai­ning to be­come a je­welry set­ter. In the fol­lo­wing ye­ars, I have had an op­por­tu­nity to work at va­rious re­now­ned je­welry shops in Zu­rich. This en­ab­led me to ex­pand my ex­pe­ri­ence and pro­fi­ci­ency in golds­mith craft­sman­ship, sa­les, as well as crea­ting my own style of jewelry.

From 2005 to 2007, I worked at Af­ri­can Art Je­wel­lers in Na­mi­bia, Af­rica, where I got to know va­rious na­tive ma­te­ri­als and in­cor­po­ra­ted them as je­we­lery ele­ments in my designs.

In Au­gust 2010, my dream of ow­ning my own com­pany be­came a rea­lity. On March 1, 2017, af­ter six suc­cessful ye­ars at Schaff­hauser­platz in Zu­rich, I mo­ved to Neu­markt in Zurich’s fa­mous Nie­der­dorf quarter.

My di­verse back­ground and ex­pe­ri­ence en­ables me to im­ple­ment my vi­sion of com­bi­ning tra­di­tio­nal craft­sman­ship with con­tem­po­rary je­welry de­sign, in­spi­red by na­ture, ar­chi­tec­ture and eth­no­lo­gi­cal influences.