Men’s ring made in pal­la­dium 500, two na­tu­rally co­lo­red dia­monds and a Swiss smoky quartz.

Men’s Jewelry

Je­welry for men has been ne­glec­ted by je­we­lers for ye­ars. At best a man wears a watch and a wed­ding band. Ho­we­ver, if you look for high-qua­lity, uni­que men’s je­welry that is not mass-pro­du­ced, the range is li­mi­ted. The­r­e­fore our aim is to pro­vide ex­clu­sive, carefully de­si­gned and cu­s­tom-made je­welry for men.


Our new men’s ring is in­spi­red by a space­ship from my­ste­rious alien ga­la­xies gli­ding th­rough the vast­ness of the uni­verse. The pal­la­dium 500 sur­face is hand-en­gra­ved and partly blacke­ned. The fle­xi­ble size pro­vi­des com­fort. Two dia­monds are em­bedded in a star pat­tern on both si­des with a large Swiss smoky quartz on top.


The rare pal­la­dium be­longs to the pre­cious pla­ti­num me­tals and pos­s­es­ses their cha­rac­te­ri­stics. It is much ligh­ter though and slightly dar­ker in co­lor. Pal­la­dium is ne­glec­ted in je­welry ma­king which is a pity. It is mainly used as an al­lo­ying me­tal in white gold, in na­no­tech­no­logy and in ca­ta­lysts. Pal­la­dium can be used in many ways and is per­fectly sui­ta­ble for men’s je­welry. For our new ring we use an al­loy of sil­ver and pal­la­dium, which can be blackened.

Swiss Smoky Quartz

In an­ci­ent times smoky quartz was re­vered as a pro­tec­tive stone and was sup­po­sed to warn the wea­rer of dan­ger by tur­ning dark. Our Swiss smoky quartz is a beau­tiful dark Mo­rion from the Grimsel area. It was cut in Switz­er­land to match our la­test creation.