Goldschmied Schmuck Züri-Leu Entwurf Design

Re­cently, I was al­lo­wed to make a men’s ring with the ab­strac­ted fa­mily crest for a cli­ent. This beau­tiful cu­s­to­mization has gi­ven me the im­pe­tus to im­ple­ment an idea that I’ve been car­ry­ing with me for a long time: to make a men’s ring with the Zu­rich he­ral­dic animal.

On a beau­tiful mor­ning, I once again en­joyed the sce­n­ery of the old town in front of my shop and loo­ked towards the Grim­men­turm, where a gol­den Zu­rich leu sprang up in the sun on the top of the tower. The Grim­men­turm is pho­to­gra­phed by vi­si­tors every day and of­ten ser­ves as a back­ground for sel­fies. For some time I thought about in­te­gra­ting the view of this ma­gni­fi­cent tower into a piece of je­we­lery. The simple, ab­strac­ted Zu­rich-Leu ap­pea­led to me right away. As I found out, gra­phic ar­tist Ernst Kel­ler de­si­gned the wea­ther vane in the 1960s.

Thus, the two ideas of Zu­rich-Leu and the Grim­men­turm found tog­e­ther in a piece of je­welry and wan­ted to be put into action.

The ring is made in 500 pal­la­dium, with a spring in 750 rose gold, which can be ad­ju­sted de­pen­ding on the ring size. The hand-en­gra­ved Zu­rich-Leu is gilded and stands out against the white pal­la­dium, like the ori­gi­nal on the tower from the sky, when the lion shi­nes in the sun.

You are wel­come to try on the ring, I look for­ward to your visit.