Dear va­lued cu­s­to­mers, It’s that time again! On Thurs­day, No­vem­ber 23, 2023, we warmly invite
you to our Fe­sti­val of Lights. Start­ing at 5:00 PM, the area will be il­lu­mi­na­ted with festive
Christ­mas lights, ac­com­pa­nied by the en­chan­ting aca­pella sin­ging of the Men’s Choir Rüti Zürich.
Im­merse yours­elf in the pre-Christ­mas at­mo­sphere, let the har­mo­nious me­lo­dies en­chant you,
and ex­plore our work­shop to dis­co­ver the la­test je­welry crea­ti­ons we’ve craf­ted for you
th­roug­hout the year.
To en­sure you have a de­lightful ex­pe­ri­ence, we’ll be of­fe­ring hot tea and de­li­cious pa­stries. We
look for­ward to spen­ding an unfor­gettable time with you, sha­ring the an­ti­ci­pa­tion of the festive
Warm re­gards, Pa­trick Stal­der and So­nia Mon­taño Stalder