Dear Cu­s­to­mer, The time has come once again!
On Thurs­day, No­vem­ber 21, from 5:00 p.m.,
our en­chan­ting Christ­mas lights will be swit­ched on at Neu­markt and in the sur­roun­ding old town al­leys – and you are warmly in­vi­ted to join us for this fe­stive evening.

We would es­pe­ci­ally like to men­tion that this beau­tiful light­ing is made pos­si­ble by do­na­ti­ons and con­tri­bu­ti­ons from pa­trons and busi­nesses like ours – wi­t­hout sup­port from the City of Zu­rich. Tog­e­ther, we en­sure that our old town will shine not only in the glow of lights but also with fe­stive mu­sic from a small en­sem­ble that will fill the streets.

We wel­come you with a warm gree­ting, hot drinks, and sea­so­nal tre­ats. We look for­ward to sha­ring a de­lightful evening with you!

With early Christ­mas greetings,
Pa­trick Stalder