Wellness days for your jewelry

We wel­come you on the Sun­day sa­les of No­vem­ber 27,
De­cem­ber 4 and De­cem­ber 18 bet­ween 11am and 6 pm for a glass of champagne.
In the me­an­time, we will make your je­welry shine for Christmas.

Our new crea­ti­ons are also loo­king for­ward to be presented.

  1. Ring ob­ject »Nau­ti­lus 1« (Photo: © Oli­ver Nanzig)
  2. An­chor chain brace­let hand­made, so­lid rose gold/li>
  3. Men’s ring, moon­s­tone, platinum
  4. Men’s ring, hand-en­gra­ved, cat’s eye tour­ma­line, pink gold
  5. Ear Studs, Pur­ple Gar­nets, La­goon Tour­ma­line Pair, Platinum
  6. Men’s brace­let, sil­ver, pal­la­dium, leather
  7. Ear clips with te­ardrops, gold, tan­z­a­nite, alex­an­drite, opal