Dear cu­s­to­mers

Mec­cano, Sto­kys, Märk­lin … Do your eyes light up with these names? Then you also built mo­dels as a child? If not — it’s never too late, as Edu­ard Na­dig will prove to you.

Since we were un­fort­u­n­a­tely unable to ce­le­brate our 10th an­ni­ver­sary with you in 2020, we look for­ward to in­vi­ting you to a spe­cial ex­hi­bi­tion in Sep­tem­ber af­ter an ex­tra­or­di­nary time.

In 2010 we took over the goldsmith’s ate­lier on Schaff­hauser­platz from Edu­ard Na­dig and con­tin­ued to do so un­til the move in 2017 to the cur­rent lo­ca­tion. This gave Edu­ard Na­dig time to cul­ti­vate his hobby, mo­del ma­king, in­ten­si­vely. We are proud to show you an over­view of his works over the past 10 years.

Vernissage aperitif with Eduard Nadig present:

Friday, September 3rd from 5:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.

We ask for your re­gi­stra­tion by email using our cont­act form
and hope for num­e­rous visitors.

Best re­gards

Pa­trick Stal­der and So­nia Mon­taño Stalder