Dear customers
We hope you have survived the extraordinary weeks of the Covid-19 pandemic and the associated restrictions well and well.
We look forward to welcoming you back in person at Neumarkt 15 from Tuesday May 12th.
In order to minimize the risk of infection from the Corona Virus and not to endanger health, we have developed the following concept for our sales room.
Despite the limitations, we have weathered the crisis well so far. Your numerous feedback and inquiries make us confident for the coming months.
Furthermore, we were allowed to carry out manufacturing and repairs for you,
for which we are very grateful.
Thanks to our loyal customers, in August 2020 we can celebrate Patrick Stalder Schmuck’s 10th anniversary. We have been looking forward to preparing a special occasion for you for a long time. We are now postponing this anniversary to August 2021 so that we can hopefully celebrate with you, without any restrictions, our 11 years of independence, our Swiss jewelry and this beautiful craft.