Dear cu­s­to­mers and je­welry lovers

Even if our shop has to be clo­sed from Mon­day Ja­nu­ary 18th, our je­welry work­shop will re­main open for you.

Re­pairs and pro­duc­tion will con­ti­nue to be car­ried out and can also be picked up.

Or­ders can also be pla­ced and picked up.

We ask you to make an appointment by phone or e‑mail using our contact form.

Spon­ta­neous vi­sits are un­fort­u­n­a­tely not al­lo­wed du­ring the closure.

We look for­ward to con­ti­nuing to be there for you and to be­ing able to im­ple­ment your wis­hes and dreams.

See you soon in our workshop at Neumarkt 15

Best re­gards

Pa­trick Stal­der, So­nia Mon­taño Stalder