Jewelry inspirations

Nicht nur die Na­tur und von Men­schen ge­schaf­fene Werke sind ein In ad­di­tion to be­ing in­spi­red by na­ture and man-made works, new en­vi­ron­ments and cul­ture are an in­spi­ra­tio­nal vi­sion for our je­welry. Im­pres­si­ons of my two-year stay in Na­mi­bia, and my va­rious tra­vels have been in­cor­po­ra­ted in this coll­ec­tion. Sil­ver, gold, pla­ti­num, pal­la­dium, na­tu­ral ma­te­ri­als and pre­cious ob­jects from all over the world fuse into a «con­nec­tion of cul­tures».

Natural jewelry materials

Na­tu­ral ma­te­ri­als such as wood, bone, tor­toi­ses­hell, horn, hair etc. have a long tra­di­tion in je­welry ma­king. Ho­we­ver, they have been jud­ged more cri­ti­cally re­cently. We think this is a pity and do not want to be re­st­ric­ted by pre­ju­di­ces. If carefully and con­sci­en­tiously sel­ec­ted, na­tu­ral ma­te­ri­als also have their ju­sti­fi­ca­tion. Open­ness and cu­rio­sity are im­pe­ra­tive for gai­ning new ex­pe­ri­en­ces in the world of je­welry, and we con­tri­bute our ex­pe­ri­en­ces to the de­ve­lo­p­ment of our uni­que jewelry.